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Report on the Xmas match held at Whitehouse Farm on 19 December 2021
Once I had the pegs sorted out I started the draw, I originally planned for 11 pegs on each lake, but I had to change it to 10 pegs on each lake due to two not being able to make it.
I had no idea what the favoured pegs were going to be, it was very cold close to freezing and foggy. Steve Dawson had Margaret’s peg 14 and had the scales for that lake. I managed to draw Georges peg 14 again and had the other set of scales. I already had a few rigs from the last match ready to go that just needed tweaking as it looked like the water level was up a little.
Jason on the next peg again had started to catch so it was time to try my pole lines. I managed a few Roach and Rudd on the pinkie line but no sign of anything on the pellet line. After playing about with the shotting and changing to a 20 to 0.09 line I started to get a few more bites, but I bumped off as many as I landed.
Bruce came over with 2 hours to go to weigh in a carp which went just shy of 10lbs, Julie also had a small carp about 4 or 5lbs. So I had another go on the feeder to no avail. I went back on the pole for the last hour and added a few small roach before starting to pack up early. With a few minutes to go Mike Reid came over to weigh in a carp which went 9lb 9ozs.
At the weigh in on Georges, there were three weights with carp, Bruce had just over 10lb, Jason just over 8lb of silvers, me 1lb 5oz, Julie had just short of 6lb with a 5lb plus carp, Kev on peg 11 hammered me by 4ozs.
Mr Crabtree had a roach that didn’t register so I gave him an ounce, at this point the scales went dead (Battery failure) fortunately I had a spare set. The final 3 had reasonable weights, Mike Reid 10lbs 9ozs, Glynn Sage just short of 4lbs and finally Bill Knight had over 8lbs. At this point I had no idea how Margaret’s had fished, back at the car I was able to confirm that Margaret’s had fished better than Georges but no carp caught.
Thanks to everyone who took part and for those who helped me along the way, thanks also to John Dursley for his donation of a couple of prizes.
1st – peg 14M – Steve Dawson – 11lbs 12ozs
Jt 2nd – peg 12M – Noel Fletcher – 10lbs 9ozs
Jt 2nd – peg 6G – Mike Reid – 10lbs 9ozs
Silvers – Peg 17M – Andy Gard – 9lbs 7ozs
Section A – peg 17G – Bruce Taylor – 10lbs 3ozs
Section B – peg 6M – John Dursley – 4lbs 2ozs
Report on Winter League Match #2 on Georges at Whitehouse Farm, 5th December 2021
At the draw we had 13 anglers so I left out pegs 15 and 16 as well. With the wind blowing up into the island end pegs 6 and 10 might have been pegs to draw, but it was anyone’s guess which were going to be the flyers, maybe flyer is not the word we should have used.
I started by using one of the margin rigs with a big piece of punched bread and tried it in various spots down both margins in the first half an hour (not a sign of any fish). At this point nobody else had caught either. I next tried the feeder out just short of the pontoon, I had a few liners but no proper bites.
2 hours gone and not a sign, I think it was just after 2 hours that Andy Brookman came round with a double to weigh, which went 15lbs 3ozs. Not long after this John Treasure came over with a carp that was slightly less than 10lbs. So 3 hours into the match and only 2 carp caught and Kev on peg 2 had had a 2lb’ish goldfish.
With half an hour to go Bill Knight came over with a double that went 14lbs 5ozs. Into the last half hour and nothing caught anywhere.
At the all out I thought I had about 8ozs. At least the weigh in wasn’t going to take long only half of us had caught. Myself and Jason did the weigh in starting with me. I weighed in 14ozs, it was that bad that 5 blanks between me and Andy Brookman ended up with 17lbs 3ozs, Kev’s Goldfish went 2lb 5ozs, Bill Knights total was 15lbs and John Treasure had 9lb 9ozs.
Another really hard days fishing, 5 blanks out of 13. Thanks again to Jason for his help with the weigh in etc. Thanks to everyone who took part and actually stayed to the end on what was a really tough day’s fishing. Why do we do it? The next match is the Xmas match in two weeks, if you’re going to fish it please let me know if you haven’t already.
1st – Andy Brookman – peg 3 – 17lbs 3ozs;
2nd – Bill Knight –– peg 19 – 15lbs 0ozs;
3rd – John Treasure – peg 17 – 9lbs 9ozs;
Silvers – Kev Swanston – peg 2 – 2lbs 5oz;
Section A – Clive Hewson – peg 1 – 7ozs.
Section B – Tony Welsby – peg 14 – 14ozs
Report on Winter League Match #1 on Margaret’s at Whitehouse Farm 21st November 2021
As stated many times before Whitehouse farm is a very even venue when it comes to best pegs, especially when it comes to later months in the year. Favoured pegs are usually Margaret’s 7, 8, 14 and 17.
I drew peg 11, Andy Brookman was next to me on the left in 12 and 10 was deliberately left out to free up the corner. This meant I had a chuck to open water to about 20m (any further encroaches on peg 9).
I went on the feeder but thinking at least I was catching a few roach and was in the running for second place, two minds and I went back to 13m. Then Andy next to me dropped in on his 10m line with a big expander and had a 6lb carp. Julie came back over with a proper double of 11lbs 2ozs. I decided to try the last hour for some carp changed to a tutti frutti 6mm pellet on the feeder with matching soak- not a sign, tried the same in the margin – nothing.
At the all out I thought I had about 4lb. I packed up most of my stuff and headed off to do the weigh in starting at Julie on peg 17, she had another carp in her net that went 5lbs 12ozs giving her a total of just over 25lbs. On the next two pegs Charles and Norman couldn’t crack 3lbs, Jason non peg 14 had 6.5lbs with a bream of about 3lbs in his bag.
Andy on peg 12 had just over 8lb and I weighed in 4lb 1oz. At this point Jason took over the weigh in and I packed up the rest of my gear. Bill on peg 5 was the only one to catch over a pound on the remaining pegs. It was strange that pegs 6 to 9 had done so poorly, I’ve not known them to fish that hard before.
Congratulations though to Julie who once again has shown us how to pick up those carp when the going gets tough. Of the 12 fishing 10 are signed up to the league.
I made a slight error at the payout because Bruce didn’t weigh in he didn’t appear on the weigh in sheet, so I worked the result based on 11 instead of 12.
I didn’t pay out for the two sections which only becomes effective from 12 anglers or more. So I owe the two section winners Bill and Norman Ferris, I’ll pay them at the next match.
1st – Julie Taylor – peg 17 – 25lbs 4ozs;
2nd – Andy Brookman – peg 12 – 8lbs 7ozs;
3rd – Jason Pitman – peg 14 – 6lbs 8ozs;
Silvers – Tony Welsby – peg 11 – 4lbs 1oz;
Section A – Bill Ferris – peg 5 – 1lb 2ozs.
Section B – Norman Ferris – peg 15 – 2lbs 12ozs.
Report on the Poppy Match at Whitehouse Farm 7th November 2021
Once again we ended up with another great turn out, with Alcove, RBL and Silver Bream anglers taking part.
Whitehouse Farm is pretty much a very even venue when it comes to best pegs, especially when it comes to later months in the year. Disabled pegs 13 and 14 on Margaret’s were held out for Kev Murch, he ended up with peg 14. Favoured pegs were probably Margaret’s 7, 8, 14 and 17, on George’s peg 1 and 10 were probably the favoured ones, the rest of the pegs are very even.
Julie had brought around a 14lb 7oz carp and had caught a couple of decent goldfish so I had a lot of catching up to do. I started the weigh on Georges with Noel on peg 17, he had just short of 6lbs (section winner). Many thanks to him for being so helpful and assisting me with the weigh in around both lakes.
I was next and had just over a pound. Andy Gard on 5 had over 9lbs (section winner) and Julie on the dam wall on peg 19 weighed in 4lbs of silvers, made up of mainly 2 goldfish to go with her 14.5lb carp giving her nearly 19lbs (2nd). Moving over to Margaret’s we started at Bill Knight on 17 who had 4lbs, on peg 16 was Charles Holmes who weighed in over 5lbs of silvers to go with a near 15lb carp giving him a total over 20lbs (1st)
Next was Steve Dawson with just under 9lbs (section winner), Graham Beevor on peg 10 weighed in just less than 10lbs (Silvers). Dave Rugman on peg 6 had a little under 9lbs included a few early caught chub (section winner ) and finally John Treasure on peg 5 weighed in 5lbs of silvers, included a few early caught chub, to go with his carp of just under a 10lb giving him a total of just less than 15lbs (3rd).
Once again it was always going to be if you caught a carp you would more than likely be in the frame, 3 carp caught and this put those 3 anglers in the first three places. Congratulations to Charles and Julie on landing those two lumps 14lbs 7ozs and 14lbs 13.5ozs. There were quite a few goldfish caught on Georges again and a number of chub on Margaret’s but not in great numbers.
Thanks once again to everyone that attended, we managed to raise £155.00 for the poppy appeal.
1st – Charles Holmes – peg M16 – 20lbs 5.5ozs;
2nd – Julie Taylor – peg G19 – 18lbs 10ozs;
3rd – John Treasure – peg M5 – 14lbs 14ozs;
Silvers – Graham Beevor – peg M10 – 9lbs 13ozs;
Section A – Dave Rugman – peg M6 – 8lbs 15ozs.
Section B – Steve Dawson – peg M15 – 8lbs 15ozs.
Section C – Andy Gard – peg G5 – 9lbs 8ozs.
Section D – Noel Fletcher – peg G17 – 5lbs 12ozs.
Report on the Autumn Match on the Lido, 17th October 2021
I started the weigh in with Jason on peg 1, he had 2lb plus (Silvers Winner) with a few skimmers in his net, next to him on peg 2 was Mike who weighed in less than a pound. Both Jason and Mike had lost carp during the match. Glynn on peg 3 weighed in a few very small perch and roach for a few ounces.
I was next on peg 5 weighing in 1lb 3ozs followed by Steve Dawson with 1lb 5ozs (Section). Norm on peg 12 had just sort of a pound and then Andy Pritchard on peg 9 the concrete slab swim weighed a nice net of silvers which included a very nice Crucian and Tench both getting close to 3 lb a piece, his total weight including the carp was over 16lbs (2nd).
Clive on the pumphouse had a few silvers for a pound to go with his carp giving him over 18lbs (1st). Julie on the pontoon weighed in less than a pound, then Kev in Smithies swim had just short of 2lb (Section). Bruce was in the tree swim and weighed in just over 3lbs (3rd) which included some very nice perch. Steve on peg 15 didn’t weigh and JT on 16 had a pound and a half.
Once again it was always going to be if you caught a carp you would more than likely be in the frame, unless the bream or tench were on the feed. The silvers did not feed in the numbers that you would have expected once again. Congratulations to the Taylor clan for getting in the prize money again.
Well done to Clive on landing that carp and also to Andy for a nice net of fish in the circumstances. I must try and get some pictures at future matches, I’m usually too concerned though in getting the fish back in the water.
1st – Clive Hewson – peg 10 – 18lbs 5ozs;
2nd – Andy Pritchard – peg 9 – 16lbs 9ozs;
3rd – Bruce Taylor – peg 3 – 3lbs 5ozs;
Silvers – Jason Pitman – peg 1 – 2lbs 7ozs;
Section A – Steve Dawson – peg 6 – 1lbs 5ozs.
Section B – Kev Swanston – peg 12 – 1lbs 10ozs.
Return match against Kingswood RBL on the avon, Crane section, October 10th 2021
Unfortunately as is usual for our club matches on the river we had a poor turn out with only 3 members (Steve Dawson, Steve Brown and myself) representing the club that were not members of KRBL.
The river looked great with a nice bit of colour in it and a steady flow. Paul Wyatt and Jason Pitman had pegged out the first two fields for 16 anglers, leaving out the gantry swim due to a wasps nest (not the only one as it turns out). I drew peg 2 so I had a very short walk and was on the bend just up from the cattle drink.
During the first hour I had about 8 small roach and no signs of any bream (turns out quite a few had tried the same with no avail). I switched to the shallow waggler as there were now signs of the bleak and dace on the maggot line. I stuck to this line all the way through the rest of the match as I was catching regularly with some bursts of one a chuck.
They were mostly decent-sized bleak and not many dace showing up just beyond them as is usually the case. I ended up with 5lbs 12ozs for about 6th in the match and section winner; nice to get my pools money back and a little profit.
Bill Knight won with a net of roach going just over the 10lb mark. A couple of big chub were caught in the 3 to 4lb bracket.
Thanks to RBL for organising and for the invite. I think it’s safe to say that KRBL won the match.
1st Bill Knight (KRBL) 10lb 2 oz
2nd Tony Humphries (KRBL) 9lb 13oz
3rd Paul Wyatt (KRBL) 7lb 11oz
Report on match against Silver Bream at Whitehouse Farm on 3rd September 2021
We had a great turn out for this match 15 anglers from Silver Bream and 17 from Alcove. Pegged so that we fished alternate pegs as much as possible, split across both lakes with 4 x 8 peg sections 2 on each lake. Weather was forecast to be pretty bad and the cold rain from the last couple of days might not have helped.
During the match Nigel Hopkins came to weigh in a beautiful Common Carp which went 18lbs 1oz, this was followed about 5 minutes later by Andy Brookman who brought over another big carp this one went 18lbs 5ozs.
At the weigh in, Andy Gabb on peg 7 had a nice net of chub going just over 15lbs, Andy Brookman on the next peg had another small carp and 2 chub to add to his earlier 18lber giving him just over 29lbs. Nigel on peg 11 added a couple of ounces to his 18lber. On Georges lake, Peter Barnett on peg 4 had just short of 15lbs with 12lb of carp. A lot of the next pegs varied between 4lbs and 6lbs until peg 16 where Graham Beevor weighed in a fantastic net of silvers for over 13lbs.
In total 197lbs 2ozs was caught which included 3 double figure carp a lot of chub quite a few around the 3lb mark, Jason Pitman had a clonking Perch which was well over 2lb. There were also some really big F1’s caught which were around the 3lb mark. The inter club result went to Alcove AC with 111lb 6ozs, Silver Bream had a total of 85lbs 12ozs.
1st – Andy Brookman – peg 8M – 29lbs 4ozs
2nd – Nigel Hopkins – peg 11M – 18lbs 3ozs
3rd – Andy Gabb – peg 7M – 15lbs 2ozs
Silvers – Graham Beevor – peg 16G – 13lbs 7ozs
Section A Margaret’s- Jason Pitman – peg 10M – 5lbs 12ozs
Section B Margaret’s – Tony Welsby – peg 12M – 7lbs 14ozs
Section A Georges – Peter Barnett – peg 4G – 14lbs 13ozs
Section B Georges – Mike Reid – peg 19G – 6lbs 10ozs
Report on Jack Pugh Memorial The Clamp 5th September 2021
On arrival on Sunday morning the lake had a coating of algae all over the lake apart from one clear patch in front of peg 13, where what little breeze was blowing through between the trees. It looked at it’s worst when viewed from the car park end, the light shining on it made it look like pea soup with a froth on top. However again when walking round it really was just a very thin layer on top.
At the weigh in, we started at Steve Dawsons’s peg 3, he weighed in just short of 7lb, Kevin Swanson, Julie Taylor and Bruce Taylor in the next few pegs all had weights around the 1lb mark. Bob Hole on peg 9 had two nets in for weighing, his carp weighed in just short of 6lb along with 3lb of silvers giving him just short of 9lbs.
Bill Knight on peg 10 also had two nets in, his carp was a very nice looking gold coloured Ghosty of less than 3lb his silvers went just shy of 7lbs for a total over 9lb. Glyn Sage and Bill Ferris on the next two pegs weighed in around 2lb each. Tony Welsby on 13 was next and weighed in just over 5lbs. Lastly Norman Ferris weighed in just over 2lbs. Thanks once again to everyone that attended, especially considering the condition of the lake.
1st – Bill Knight – peg 10 – 9lbs 5ozs;
2nd – Bob Hole – peg 9 – 8lbs 13ozs;
3rd – Steve Dawson – peg 3 – 6lbs 15ozs;
Silvers – Tony Welsby – peg 13 – 5lbs 1oz;
Section A – Kevin Swanston – peg 4 – 1lb 5ozs;
Section B – Norman Ferris – peg 14 – 2lb 5ozs.
Report on Bert Elsom Memorial Georges Lake 29th Aug 2021
Since the last match at Whitehouse farm, the lily pads on Georges have stayed at a reasonable level and not spread like in previous years. This is down to the work done by the bailiffs in controlling them.
At the weigh in, we started at peg 1 with Norman Ferris who had lost a few carp from his left hand margin but managed to weigh in just short of 5lbs of silvers, next was Glyn Sage on peg 2 who had a cracking gold fish which went just over a pound and a half. Bill Ferris on 3 had a mixed bag of silvers for just short of 6lbs. On peg 4 Noel Fletcher had lost a couple of carp but had caught regularly on the feeder across to the pontoon and he put just over 15lbs of mainly F1’s on the scales.
Bruce Taylor on 5 had just over a pound and Tony Welsby weighed just short of 4lb with 3 skimmers. Robin on 7 didn’t weigh in and Julie on 8 had lost a few carp and smashed up quite a bit of tackle in the process. Next was Steve Brown whose carp mid match was all he had, although that was close to 13lbs. Andy Gard on 11 had just over 3lbs. Bob Hole and Bill Knight did not weigh in, again the story of lost fish. Jason was next on 14, he had lost a few but had 2 carp on the scales for just over 18lbs and some silvers to give him a total of nearly 22lbs.
Steve Dawson was next on peg 15 and once again he had put together a cracking net of silvers for just over 15lbs. Charles on peg 16 weighed in just short of 6lbs back and Charles his section. Mike Reid was on peg 17 and weighed in just over 5lbs, Al Jenner and John Treasure on 18 and 19 didn’t weigh in.
1st – Jason Pitman – peg 14 – 21lbs 10ozs;
2nd – Noel Fletcher – peg 4 – 15lbs 5ozs;
3rd – Steve Dawson – peg 15 – 15lbs 2ozs;
Silvers – Bill Ferris – peg 3 – 5lbs 12ozs;
Section A – Steve Brown – peg 10 – 12lbs 11ozs;
Section B – Charles Holmes – peg 16 – 5lb 10ozs.
Report on the Ian Chapple Memorial Inter Club match with Kingswood RBL at Whitehouse Farm 1st August 2021 .
11 pegs on each lake, 21 fished and pegs were split with odd numbers for Alcove and even for KRBL The match fished 09:15 to 15:15.
During the match several double figure carp were weighed including one of 17lbs 11oz for Bill Knight. As usual many tales of lost double figure carp on both lakes. Thanks to Jason Pitman and Paul Wyatt who weighed in Georges; Tony Welsby and Steve Dawson did Margaret’s
On Margarets we started at peg 18 and Bill Knight weighed in another 20lbs with his previous carp giving him just over 39lbs, Steve Dawson was next on 17 he had an all silvers catch of over 23lbs which included quite a few of the larger skimmers, a tench, roach, rudd etc. Next was Kev Murch on 14 who had just over 7lb. Tony Welsby on 13 weighed in just short of 17lbs, Bob Hole on 12 had just short of 5lbs, Bruce Taylor landed one carp for 9lbs 4oz and Brian Lloyd on peg 8 had over 2lbs. Kev Swanson weighed silvers of just short of 6lbs but it needed two of us to lift his carp net out, weighed the fish in two goes which came to over 47lbs, his total weight 53lb 4ozs.
On Georges, Julie Taylor was on peg 1 and had 6lbs of silvers, including the mandatory goldfish, plus just over 25lbs of carp to total 32lb, Glyn Sage on 2 had a carp of 4lb 14oz and next to him Clive Hewson weighed 4lb of silvers, Norman Ferris had 11lb 11oz of silvers from 5, on 6 Jason Pitman had a couple of lumps plus silvers for 24lb 11oz, Bill Ferris had just short of 4lb of silvers from 10, Andy Brookman had a mid match carp of 11lb 7oz in his total of 32lb 8oz from 12 and Charles Holmes a 10lb 11oz in his 32lb 2oz.
All in all a good days fishing 7 weights over 20lbs, 5 of which were over over 30lbs, top weight over 50lbs, total weight was 302lbs. Alcove had a total of 218lbs 12ozs and RBL had a total of 83lbs 6ozs; AAC winning by 135lbs 6ozs.
A total of £288 was raised from entry fees and a post match raffle in aid of UK Cancer Research. Many thanks to all who donated prizes – Enterprise Angling, Scott Tackle, Bitterwell Lake, Clive Hewson, Tony Welsby and John Treasure.
Final Result:
1st Kevin Swanston, peg 7M, 53lb 4ozs
2nd Bill Knight, peg 18M, 39lb 4ozs
3rd Andy Brookman, peg 12G, 32lb 8ozs
Silvers – Steve Dawson, peg 17M, 23lb 8ozs;
Section A – Tony Welsby, peg 13M, 16lbs 10ozs;
Section B – Charles Holmes, peg 15G, 32lb 2ozs;
Match versus Silver Bream AC at Gall Pond (Tortworth) 18th July 2021.
On arrival and following a few very quick discussions, we decided to fish a 5 hour match rather than the 6 hours originally planned. Basically it was obvious it was going to be a scorcher and to reduce the stress on the fish and anglers it was just common sense.
We had a full compliment of 10 which isn’t usually the case for this match, the booking in system has helped to highlight the matches and focus our anglers on what’s coming up. Unfortunately Silver Bream had somebody drop outlast minute, so we had a match 9 v 10.
We fished alternate pegs, I drew the even numbers for us. Those of us from peg 14 to peg 23 had the worst of the sun as we were exposed to it all day, however our brollies earned their keep but even this did not stop the pole being red hot.
Needless to say the bright sunlight and the heat really did make the fishing hard. There were loads of very small perch caught, with a few roach and skimmers. The fish that decided it, were a very nice bream caught by Dick Vizard, which weighed about 4.5 lbs, two tench caught by Julie Taylor and a nice net of roach caught by Steve Dawson, other than these everyone had very small silvers with the odd decent roach.
The overall result was a win to Alcove winning by the very small margin of 1lb 10ozs.
Individual top results (pools winners):
1st – peg 19 – Dick Vizard – 5lb 4ozs
2nd – peg 24 – Steve Dawson – 4lb 4ozs
3rd – peg 22 – Julie Taylor – 3lb 8ozs
4th – peg 15 – Roger Stokes – 2lb 4ozs
Section A – peg 9 – Dave Rugman – 2lb 0.25ozs
Section B – peg 18 – Tony Welsby – 1lb 9ozs
Section C – peg 26 – Noel Fletcher – 2lb
Alcove AC River match on the Bristol Avon at Swineford 4th July 2021.
7 anglers booked in for this match. Tony and Jason walked the bank and selected 7 pegs, 6 in the first field and one quite a way into the second field. 2 or 3 of the pegs were reasonably easy to get into, but the rest needed mountaineering skills.We decided to fish from 10:00 to 15:00, to give everyone a chance to get sorted out.
At the weigh in, which was quite a while after the all-out, as it took me what seemed an age to extricate myself from my peg and pack away the bomb site above my peg. I started at John Treasure on peg 7. Thank god we didn’t have anymore fishing, that was far enough to walk with the scales. Anyway John weighed in over 3lb of bleak and dace, he’d had real trouble with pike throughout the match. Bill Knight was on peg 6, the peg just before the turnstile and he weighed in over 10lb, which included quite a few chub, biggest probably about 2.5lb. Jason on peg 5 had close to 14lb mostly made up of 4 bream, biggest close to 4lb, 2 caught on pellet and 2 on worm.
Steve Dawson on peg 4 weighed in nearly 7lb of bleak, dace and chublets. I was next so it was time for a bit of mountaineering again, I weighed in just short of 5lb, Steve Brown on peg 2 didn’t weigh in, and finally Glyn Sage weighed in just over 4lb, which included a chunky Chub of about 3.5lb. He had lost several decent sized fish in a snag just in front of him.
In summary, everyone caught and enjoyed the fishing and there were some good fish caught. The only downer was the weather and the effort to get to our pegs.
Final Result:
1st peg 5, Jason Pitman, 13lb 14ozs;
2nd peg 6, Bill Knight, 10lbs 9ozs;
3rd peg 4, Steve Dawson, 6lbs 12ozs;
Report on the Taylor Shield on Margaret’s Lake 30th May 2021.
20 anglers booked in for this match. At the weigh in… Andy Gard on peg 2 had 16lb, considering the rubbish in front of him it was a great weight. Bill Ferris was on peg 4 in the corner and he had 22lb (a real mixed bag of silvers F1’s and a tench with skimmers and roach), Julie Taylor on 5 had just over 8lb, Andy Brookman on peg 7 was next and after two weighs he had a total just under 71lb, Mike Reid on peg 8 had caught 2 carp both weighed in during the match, the biggest weighing in at 18lbs 15ozs, the other 10lbs, his total weight was 29lbs 12ozs.
Kev Swanston on peg 9 had 22lbs, including a carp of 10lb 6ozs, Alex Smith on peg 10 had 25lbs, Charles Holmes on 11, John Treasure on 12, and Steve Brown on 13 didn’t crack the 10lb mark. Glyn Sage on 14 had 17lbs, John Merchant had just short of 9lba and Steve Dawson on peg 17 had a lovely silvers net of nearly 23lb containing a number of chub up to 3lb, his total weight was just over 28lbs, Tony Welsby was next weighing in 3lb of silvers and two weighs of carp for a further 54lbs giving 57lbs plus. John Dursley on 18 weighed just under 11lbs.
Total weight of fish caught approximately 340lb – average weight 17lb per man. Biggest fish – carp of 18lbs 15ozs – Mike Reid. Lots of chub caught from around the island but they still don’t seem to be shoaled up.
Final Result:
1st Andy Brookman, peg 7, 70lb 15ozs
2nd Tony Welsby, peg 18, 57lbs 7ozs
3rd Mike Reid, peg 8, 29lbs 12ozs
Silvers – Steve Dawson, peg 17, 22lbs 12oz; (28lbs 6ozs)
Section A – Alex Smith, peg 10, 25lbs 3ozs
Section B – Glyn Sage, peg 14, 17lb 12ozs
Pete Polly Memorial on George’s Lake 16th May 2021
It was good to see so many anglers, especially considering the forecast was for rain on and off all day, fortunately not much wind. With 17 anglers fishing, 17 out of the 19 available swims were pegged.
During the match, Andy Brookman came to the scales to have a double figure carp weighed which went 10lbs 9ozs, Bill Knight on the other side of the lake had a couple of carp. Not a lot of roach, rudd or skimmers were caught which is unusual for Georges.
At the weigh in, peg 8, Jason Pitman weighed in just under 9lb, he’d lost a couple of carp and caught one just under 5lb. Tony Welsby on 7 weighed in next with just short of 7lb all silvers. Bruce Taylor on peg 6 had a few ounces, and Norman Ferris on 5 weighed in just over 6lb of silvers. Glyn Sage on 4 had a couple of carp that went just over 12lb and Andy Brookman on the next peg had a pound of silvers and 2 carp for a total just over 22lb. Andy Gard on peg 2 had just under 2lbs of silvers, he’d persevered going for some carp without any luck.
Julie on peg 1 had just over 4lbs of silvers. Next to weigh in on the dam wall peg 19 was John Treasure, his net of silvers, which contained about 8 or 9 F1’s and a couple of goldfish, went just short of 15lbs all caught on a method feeder loaded with pellets and a hard 4mm pellet on the hair, he also had a carp of just under 7lb, total just short of 22lb. John Merchant was on the other dam wall peg and weighed in exactly 10lb. Steve (Mr Crabtree) Brown was in the corner swim 17 and weighed in just over 2lb of silvers, surprising as Steve usually does really well on the silvers. Mike Reid on peg 15 didn’t weigh in, he had lost several carp and not landed any.
Bill Knight on peg 14 weighed in close to 16lb all carp and Bill Ferris on the next peg weighed in just short of 9lb of carp. Noel Fletcher on peg 12 had a mixed bag just under 4lb of silvers and a 6lb carp for under 10lb. Charles on peg 11 weighed in just over 7lb of silvers, including a chub of just over 2lb.
Final Result:
1st Andy Brookman, peg 3 (Opposite pontoon), 22lb 6ozs;
2nd John Treasure, peg 19 (Dam wall), 21lbs 11ozs;
3rd Bill Knight, peg 14, (Opposite Pontoon), 15lbs 10ozs;
Silvers – Charles Holmes, peg 11 (Island), 7lbs 1oz;
Section A – Glyn Sage, peg 4 (Opposite Pontoon), 12lb 2ozs;
Section B – John Merchant, peg 18 (Dam wall), 10lb
Saturday Shield fished on Margaret’s Lake 24th April 2021.
11 anglers took part and the favoured pegs were 7 (Andy Gard) and 8 (Norman Ferris) facing the long edge of the island and 13 (Julie Taylor) and 14 (Bruce Taylor) facing the end of the island.
At the weigh in Mike Reid on 20 weighed in a carp of 10lbs 8ozs and some big chub and silvers for a further 7lb’ish total just short of 18lbs. On peg 15 Steve Brown had enjoyed himself catching a lot of very small perch for just short of 3lbs, he usually catches a lot of roach but only had one or two. On pegs 13 and 14 the Taylor’s had both struggled as well. John Treasure on peg 12 had a carp of just over 7lb.
Norman was on peg 8 and weighed in just under 6lbs of skimmers and roach, Andy Gard on 7 had a cracking net of chub all around the 2lb mark caught on the maggot feeder with some other silvers mixed in for just over 18lbs. Graham Beever on the next peg had just shy of 9lbs of silvers on peg 6 with Bill Ferris next door on 5 weighed in a little over a pound more. Tony Welsby on peg 3 weighed in just short of 7lb, 5 skimmers and a few other silvers and finally Noel Fletcher on peg 1 had just under 5lbs with a carp and a couple of silvers. The shortage of roach caught could well have been because they are in spawning mode.
Final Result:
1st Andy Gard, peg 7, 18lb 8ozs
2nd Mike Reid, peg 20, 17lbs 14ozs
3rd Bill Ferris, peg 5, 10lbs 4ozs
4th Graham Beevor, peg 6, 8lbs 13ozs; [Silvers]
5th John Treasure, peg 12, 7lbs 8ozs; [Section B]
6th Tony Welsby, peg 3, 6lbs 15ozs; [Section A]
7th Norman Ferris, peg 8, 5lb 10ozs
8th Noel Fletcher, peg 1, 4lbs 14ozs
9th Steve Brown, peg 15, 2lb 14ozs
10th Julie Taylor, peg 13, 1lb 14ozs
11th Bruce Taylor, peg14, 14ozs
Jack Davies memorial at the Lido 18th April 2021
12 anglers booked in for this match with one reserve. John Treasure couldn’t make it and Norman Ferris the reserve slotted into his place. In the last week Steve Brown requested to fish but the match was fully booked. As it happens someone else didn’t turn up and I had an open place, which Steve could have filled, please if you can’t make it when you’ve booked in let me know as its quite likely that I can fill the gap.
With 11 anglers fishing the usual preferred pegs (not counting 4 of us on suicide straight) we were able to fish in comfort and hopefully catch a few. There were a lot of carp moving about just below the surface later on. At the weigh in: peg 1, on the green bank, Julie Taylor had less than a pound of silvers, next was Andy G on peg 2 had a carp of 9lb 15ozs and just under 3lb of silvers, Tony Welsby was next on peg 4 on suicide straight weighing in 3lb 7ozs. Bill Knight was on 5 with just over a pound and Daryl Scudamore on 6 didn’t weigh. Jason Pitman was on the concrete slab peg 7 fishing into the bay he weighed in less than a pound.
Pegs 8 and 9 didn’t weigh in and Bruce in smithies swim weighed in next, with a jack weighing 3lb 3ozs backed up with just over a pound of silvers. Norman Ferris was in the tree swim weighing in over 4lb of silvers and finally Glyn on the island swim weighed in just under 4lbs. Overall weights were pretty poor with no tench caught which was surprising and only decent sized fish were a solitary carp and a small pike.
Final Result:
1st Andy Gard, peg 2 (Green bank), 12lb 11ozs
2nd Norman Ferris, peg 11 (Tree swim), 4lbs 8ozs
3rd Bruce Taylor, peg 10 (Smithies), 4lbs 4ozs
4th Glyn Sage, peg 12 (Island swim), 3lbs 12ozs; Silvers Prize
5th Tony Welsby, peg 4 (Suicide straight), 3lbs 7ozs; Section A
6th Bill Knight, peg 5 (Suicide straight), 1lb 3ozs
7th Julie Taylor, peg 2 (Green bank), 11ozs
8th Jason Pitman, peg 7 (Concrete slab), 9ozs; Section B
3 DNWs.
The Lido – October 18th 2020
The match was another hard day but we had a full house yet again, 13 anglers fishing the match. Lots of very small silvers caught.
1st Steve Dawson 6lbs 6ozs
2nd Kevin Winstone 3lb 12ozs
3rd Tony Welsby 2lb 14ozs
Section A Bill Knight 2lb 3ozs**
Section B Bill Ferris 2lb 3ozs
Silvers – **Bill Knight and Tony Welsby 2lb 3ozs shared section and silver money between the two of them.
(Poppy Match) Whitehouse Farm (both lakes) – November 1st, 2020
Because everyone had booked in the draw was made as soon as most were there. The rolling draw reduced the chances of groups forming and helped with the social distancing. With 24 fishing, 12 on each lake and 4 x 6 peg sections. The Match Secretary would like to thank everyone for taking part and making donations to the Poppy Appeal, £179.00 was raised on the day. Thanks also to Paul Wyatt and Jason Pitman for helping out by doing the weigh in on Georges lake, which saved quite a bit of time.
1st – Julie Taylor – Georges peg 6 – 18lbs 2ozs £80.00 (2 carp)
2nd – Steve Dawson – Margarets peg 12 – 10lbs 13ozs £45.00 (all silvers)
3rd – Glyn Sage – Margarets peg 7 – 9lbs 6ozs £30.00
Silvers – Graham Beevor – Margarets peg 5 – 8lbs 13ozs £20.00
Section A – Noel Fletcher – Margarets peg 9 – 5lbs 1oz £15.00
Section B – Clive Hewson – Margarets peg 17 – 9lbs 4ozs £15.00
Section C – Kevin Winstone – Georges peg 5 – 5lbs 12ozs £15.00
Section D – Bill Ferris – Georges peg 11 – 5lbs £15.00
River Match at Swineford, Sunday 13th September 2020
Only had 4 anglers booked in for the match, 2 in the first field and 2 in the second field. A couple of swims in the first field were already occupied.
We kicked off at 09:30 and fished through to 15:30.
Pete Watkins fished Hemp and Tares for a bag of roach that went just over 12lbs, Steve Brown weighed in a net of bleak and dace that went just short of 9lbs, Steve Dawson weighed in a terrific net of dace and bleak for just under 19lbs, I then weighed in just over 6lbs of bleak, dace and perch.
Final result paying first and second:
1st Steve Dawson – peg 2 – 18lbs 15ozs
2nd Pete Watkins – peg 4 – 12lbs 4ozs
3rd Steve Brown – peg 3 – 8lbs 15ozs
4th Tony Welsby – peg 1 – 6lbs 3ozs
Jack Pugh Memorial at The Clamp, 6th September 2020
The Annual Jack Pugh Memorial match was held at The Clamp. 14 anglers booked in for the match. This gave two 7 peg sections, Section A – 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, Section B – 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Barry Summers was on peg 7 and he weighed in 3 carp for just over 19lb. Rich Payne on peg 8 had a good net of silvers for 7lbs 10ozs.
Final Individual places:
1st – Barry Summers – peg 7 – 19lbs 5ozs – £40.00
2nd – Rich Payne – peg 8 – 7lbs 10ozs – £30.00
3rd – Steve Dawson – peg 12 – 4lbs 3ozs – £20.00
Silvers – Bill Ferris – peg 11 – 3lbs 5ozs – £20.00
Section A – Andy Gard – peg 5 – 2lbs 9ozs – £15.00
Section B – Tony Welsby – peg 16 – 14ozs – £15.00
Bert Elsom Memorial at Georges Lake, 30th August 2020
4 anglers booked in for the match. Two 7 peg sections, Section A – 19, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Section B – 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17.
Barry Summers on peg 1 had a great net of silvers going just over 11lbs, quite a few good size skimmers and a couple of F1’s, Gerry Welsh on peg 3 had just over 9lbs, Bill Ferris on peg 10 had just short of 9lbs, on 12 Tony Welsby had just over 7lbs, Noel Fletcher caught a good Common Carp close to the end of the match which weighed 12lbs 13ozs plus 2lbs of silvers. Other notable fish, John Treasure on peg 5 had a couple of good sized chub and elsewhere a number of the Golden Orfe/Goldfish made their usual appearance.
Final Individual places:
1st – Noel Fletcher – peg 13 – 14lbs 15ozs
2nd – Barry Summers – peg 1 – 11lbs 4ozs
3rd – Steve Tanner – peg 14 – 11lbs 2ozs
Silvers – Gerry Welsh – peg 3 – 9lbs 2ozs
Section A – John Treasure – peg 5 – 4lbs 7ozs
Section B – Bill Ferris – peg 10 – 8lbs 11ozs
Result of Ian Chapple Memorial match Sunday 26th July 2020.
The Annual Ian Chapple memorial charity match was held across both lakes at Whitehouse Farm. 17 fished raising £170 for Cancer Research but the usual raffle was not able to take place due to COVID-19 restrictions. The weather was dry apart from a short spell of rain early on, however the gusty wind was pretty bad making bait presentation a tad awkward at times especially if you had a crosswind.
1st – Bob Price – peg 8 Margarets – 19lbs 12ozs
2nd – Bill Ferris – peg 14 Margarets – 18lbs 11ozs
3rd – Bill Knight – peg 5 Georges – 17lbs
Silvers – Norman Ferris – peg 9 Margarets – 9lb 11ozs
Margaret’s Lake Section– Paul Howe – peg 13 – 16lbs 12ozs
Georges Lake Section – Steve Sewell – peg 6 – 16lbs 7ozs
Result of club match on the Crane Sunday 5th July 2020.
A better than usual turn out for this river match with 8 anglers taking part. A few bream turned up so a few weights weren’t too bad, lots of dace all along the length.
1st – Bill Knight – peg 7 (first field) – 10lbs 4ozs (£38)
2nd – Paul Wyatt – peg 1 (2nd field) – 7lbs 15ozs (£27)
3rd – John Treasure – peg 3 (2nd field) – 7lbs11ozs (£15)
other weights:4th Tony Welsby 6lbs all dace.5th Jason Pitman 3lbs 14ozs, 6th Alex Smith 2lbs 2ozs, 7th Brian Lloyd 1lb 7ozs8th Steve Dawson Did not Weigh.
Charlie Coggins Memorial at The Lido on 28th June 2020.
We had a low turnout of 6 anglers, which has become the norm for the Lido, shame because its a great water.
1st Tony Welsby Peg 1 – 9lbs 12ozs (£30), Skimmers, 1 Tench and lots of very small Roach and Rudd.
2nd Bill Knight Peg 5 – 6lbs 15ozs (£20), Skimmers and small Roach and Rudd.
3rd Jason Pitman Peg 2 – 4lbs 5ozs (£10) Skimmers and small Roach and Rudd.
Result of Match fished on Margarets Lake 21st June 2020.
1st John Treasure, Peg 14 – 39lbs 3ozs – Mostly carp. (£38)
2nd Jason Pitman, Peg 10 – 29lbs 11ozs – Mostly good sized skimmers (£27)
3rd Gerry Welsh, Peg 1 – 18lbs 14ozs – 3 carp (£20)
Silvers, Don Earl, Peg 7 – 13lbs 9ozs (£15)
Section A – Peg 5 – 14lbs 10ozs (£10)
Section B – Peg 16 – 14lbs 14ozs (£10)
At last, the first match back after Covid-19 restrictions. A reasonable number of anglers took part on what was quite a nice day apart from a gusty wind which caused a few issues at times. Not too many carp caught although John Treasure had quite a few on method fished pellet. Jason Pitman fished worm to catch a cracking net of skimmers.
Report on the Ian Chapple Memorial Open fished on Sunday 28th July 2019 at Whitehouse Farm.
22 people booked in for the match, only had 3 no shows and one other turned up giving 20 anglers for the match. 10 pegs on each lake. The work parties during June and July had managed to clear a great deal of the Georges weed, a lot of overhanging branches cut on Margarets and also the peg number boards had been added on the island.
The match started at 10:30. Ted Bethall and Bruce Taylor had a few carp  on either side of the little island on George’s and Bob Price had a carp early doors. It didn’t look like Georges was fishing that well but as usual there were the stories of lost fish. The carp in this lake fight like something else and there are a lot of good double figure fish, definitely a number of 20’s and who knows maybe a few closing in on the upper 20’s.
Weigh in began at peg G1 a corner peg with all of the dam wall end open to it, Paul Preston was here and he as many others had lost several carp, but he still weighed in nearly 32lb including 2 very nice gold fish, Steve Dawson was next on G3 weighing in just under 10lbs of silvers, Julie on G4 lost a few carp and weighed in close to 7lbs, Bob Price on G7 had a couple of carp and silvers for just over 15lbs, then Bruce on G10 had just over 15lbs (1 ounce less than Bob), Phil Coulan on G11 had done well and weighed in just under 24lbs.
Margaret’s lake hadn’t fished much better and only 2 weights were notably higher than Georges. Bill Knight on peg M17, weighed in just over 55lbs, John Dursley on M14 pushed him close with 52lbs, Bill Ferris had a nice net of silvers making up 13lbs of his total of 19lbs, Clive Hewson on M11 had just short of 16lbs, then the rest of the pegs along the island bank had poor weights compared to normal, the chub not showing.
Comparing last year to this year’s match, weights were similar, although the top few weights have been 10lb higher this year, and we raised a slightly greater amount for charity.
1st Bill Knight M17, 55lbs 2ozs
2nd John Dursley M14, 52lbs
3rd Paul Preston G1, 31lbs 14ozs
Silvers – Bill Ferris M13, 19lbs 9ozs
Margarets lake Section (By Default) – Clive Hewson M11, 15lbs 12ozs
Georges lake Section (By Default) – Phil Coulan G11, 23lbs 14ozs
Whilst the pools and entry money was being taken, raffle money was also collected. Raffle prizes kindly donated by Scott Angling, Veal’s, Bristol Angling Centre, Enterprise Angling and a few other prizes from some of the anglers. In total from the entry fee and the raffle we raised a grand total of £252.00 for Cancer Research.
Report on Xmas match fished at Whitehouse Farm on 2nd Decmber 2018.
At the draw there were 15 anglers split into two sections putting 7 anglers on Georges and 8 on Margaret’s.
On Margarets Bill Ferris on peg 8 had a reasonable net of silvers going just over 6lbs, Bill’s brother Norman had 3lbs plus, then Tony Welsby just short of 4lbs. On Georges apart from Bob Price on peg 3 who had caught but didn’t weigh in, the weights were fairly close with Steve Dawson coming out on top with 8lbs 7ozs winning the match and also the Golden Peg (£100.00). Georges Lake had 4 of the first top 5 places.
Full Result:
1st Peg G13 – Steve Dawson, 8lbs 7ozs – Match winner.
2nd Peg M8 – Bill Ferris, 6lbs 3ozs – Second Place.
3rd Peg G12 – Terry Southcott, 6lbs – Third Place.
4th Peg G4 – Paul Pitt, 5lbs 12ozs – Silvers winner by default.
5th Peg G14 – Bill Knight, 4lbs 11ozs – Section A Winner by default.
6th Peg M17 – Tony Welsby, 3lbs 15ozs – Section B Winner by default.
Report on first winter league match Margaret’s Lake 18th November 2018.
At the draw we had 10 anglers but only 6 able to take part in the winter league itself, the others having other commitments. At the weigh in at Norman Ferris on peg 15 had just over 2lb of very small silvers, Tony Welsby on peg 8 weighed in just over 6lbs. Bill Knight had 1oz more than Norman, Steve Dawson weighed in at peg 10 he had 8lb plus of silvers which included a bream of at least 3lbs, he had lost the carp at the net when the hook pulled out. Clive on peg 12 had struggled for only a few ounces, Paul Pitt on peg 13 weighed in just over 2lbs, surprisingly low weights along these deeper pegs and not much caught to the island. Bill Ferris on unfancied peg 15 had caught a decent net of silvers going just over 3lb.
Again it had been a poor day’s fishing possibly due to a cold night and the colour had dropped out of the water, water depth probably not helping either. The chub didn’t appear in numbers, they appear to have split up again maybe due to the shallow water against the island and lack of colour.
1st Steve Dawson peg 10 – 8lbs 8ozs
2nd Tony Welsby peg 8 – 6lbs 2ozs
3rd Bill Ferris peg 15 – 3lb 1oz
4th Bill Knight peg 9 – 2lbs 8ozs (silvers)
5th Norman Ferris peg 7 – 2lbs 7ozs (Section A)
6th Paul Pitt peg 13 – 2lbs 5ozs (Section B)
Report on Poppy Match at Whitehouse Farm on 4th November 2018.
The match was split into two very nearly equal sections across both lakes. We had 13 anglers so  pegs 2, 3, 4, 5, 13 and 14 on Georges, with pegs 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, and 17 on Margaret’s all going into the bag.
Norman Ferris hooked a carp on his silvers rig and managed to land it, it was a cracker which he brought over for weighing as it was obviously a double, which we always weigh in during the match and return, it went 11lbs 6ozs.
At the weigh in I started at Norman Ferris on Georges peg 6 he had managed to catch a few silvers for 3lb’ish to add to his big carp.,Tony Welsby on 4 weighed in just short of 9lbs. Over on Margarets John Treasure on peg 17 had a good mix of carp and silvers with one or two chub for a total of just over 20lbs, Brian Lloyd on peg 14 had 2lbs 14ozs with a chub which was at least 2lbs 13ozs, Steve Dawson on peg 13 had his usual net of silvers which went 17 and half pound and a small carp for a total of just over 21lbs. The chub hadn’t shown on the island pegs Bill Knight doing the best here with a good mixed net of fish for 11 and a half pound which included a cracking perch of nearly 2lb.
Final Result:
1st Steve Dawson – Peg13 Margaret’s – 21lbs 1oz
2nd John Treasure – Peg17 Margaret’s – 20lbs 6 ½ ozs
3rd Norman Ferris – Peg5 Georges – 14lbs 12ozs
Silvers – Tony Welsby – Peg4 Georges – 8lbs 14ozs
Section A (Georges Lake) – Bob Hole – 7lb 12 ½ ozs
Section B (Margaret’s Lake) – Bill Knight – 11lbs 8 ½ ozs
There was a total collection made of £80.62 towards the Poppy Appeal.
Report on Autumn match fished on the Lido 28th October 2018.
Fortunately there wereonly 8 anglers as the level was very low, clear and weedy so pegs were difficult to allot.
At the weigh in Steve Dawson and Trev Smith on suicide straight didn’t weigh in although they both had a fish each, Clive Hewson on peg 2 had just short of a pound, Tony Welsby weighed in 3 and a half pound, John Treasure on the island had just short of a pound, Steve Brown had 3ozs, Bill Ferris didn’t weigh and Terry Southcott had just short of a pound.
1st – Tony Welsby – peg 1 – 3lbs 7 ½ozs
2nd– John Treasure – peg 8 – 15ozs
3rd– Clive Hewson – peg 2 – 13 ½ozs
3rd – Terry Southcott – Peg 5 – 13 ½ozs
5th – Steve Brown – Peg 7 – 3ozs
Report on match between Alcove AC and Silver Bream AC fished at Whitehouse Farm on 14th October 2018.
At the draw there were 13 Silver Bream anglers and 5 from Alcove, 9 anglers were on each lake to make two even sections. Not long into the match Andy Brookman walked over with a massive fish from Georges for weighing in, it was a cracking mirror of 19lbs 11ozs. Pete Barnett also of Silver Bream came over to weigh in a carp of 14lbs 4½ozs.
Starting at Tony Styles on Peg 17 Margarets had a few carp and some silvers for a total close to 14lbs. Tony Welsby weighed in just over 3lbs on the next peg, Norman Ferris had a carp of 8lbs 10 ozs to give him near 13lbs with his silvers, on the next peg at no 12 Steve “Silvers” Dawson had just short of 17lbs with close to 13lbs of silvers, Nige Hopkins on peg 8 had a few chub and other silvers to weigh in 8lbs. Over on Georges Steve Pierce on peg 6 put in the new leading weight just under 20lbs, Tyler Szmaglik on peg 3 had just over 12lbs of silvers, on peg 2 Andy Brookman weighed in just over 22lbs, on peg 1 Pete Barnett weighed in a little over 17lbs.
1st – Andy Brookman peg 2G – 22lbs 3½ozs £50.00
2nd – Steve Pierce peg 6G – 19lbs 15ozs £40.00
3rd – Peter Barnett peg1G – 17lbs 6½ozs £25.00
Silvers – Steve Dawson peg 12M – 16lbs 13ozs £25.00
Section A – Tyler Szmaglik peg 3G – 12lbs 4ozs £20.00
Section B – Tony Styles peg 17M – 14lbs 9½ozs £20.00
Silver Bream AC – 90lbs 2ozs (13 anglers)
Alcove AC – 56lbs 2ozs (5 anglers).
Report on Sunday 2nd September match on the river Avon at Keynsham “The Crane”.
As is usually the case with these river matches the turn out wasn’t good, only 4 of us. So at the draw what was considered the best 4 out of the seven pegged were chosen. Peg 7 being what looked to be the best on the bend and a known area for catching the odd bream.
I started the weigh in at Peg 1 where John Treasure had 2lbs 9 ozs of roach and skimmers, I weighed in 6lbs 14ozs, Paul Pitt on peg 4 weighed in 3lbs 12ozs and finally Steve Dawson on peg 7 had 14lbs 11ozs of just about everything.
Final result:
1st Steve Dawson- Peg 7 – 14lbs 11ozs
2nd Tony Welsby – Peg 2 – 6lbs 14ozs (Incl a pike of about 3lb)
3rd Paul Pitt – Peg 4 – 3lbs 12ozs
4th John Treasure – Peg 1 – 2lbs 9ozs
Report on the Bert Elsom Memorial match fished on Sunday 26th August 2018 on Georges Lake at Whitehouse Farm.
The weather forecast for the day was not good, rain all day and fairly strong winds. Needless to say this probably had an impact on numbers, only 8 anglers turning up. It rained and blew continuously through the match, so as has become usual in recent times I was soaked through to the skin yet again. John Treasure now has a permanently tilted umbrella having been bent in the wind.
Opposite me Paul Pitt was able to fish open water on the method and landed most of the fish he hooked including one of 11lbs 1oz. It looked like he was going to be hard to beat. John Treasure to my left had a big carp on which he played on the pole for a good five minutes, which in the end got off. Bill Ferris on peg 2 seemed to be catching silvers at a good rate throughout the match on the whip.
At the weigh in I started at peg 17 with Clive Hewson who had a few silvers and 1 carp giving him just over 11lbs. Next was Bill Knight on peg 14, he’d only fished for silvers and had 2lbs 10ozs. On peg 12 I had 2lbs 13ozs a brown goldfish and perch, with carp weighing in at over 16lbs giving me a total just short of 20lbs. Then on the opposite bank was Paul Pitt on peg 4 (the peg I really fancied), he weighed in 6lbs plus of silvers and then over 44lbs of carp, giving him just short of 51lbs. Bob hole on peg 3 weighed in 5lb 13ozs of silvers. The golden Peg with Bill Ferris who had just short of 15lbs of whip caught silvers. Finally on peg 1 was Terry Southcott who’d lost a few in the corner lily pad, he weighed in 6lbs of silvers and a carp of 11lbs 7ozs.
Final result:
1st Peg 4 – Paul Pitt – 50lbs 13ozs
2nd Peg 12 – Tony Welsby – 19lbs 6ozs
3rd Peg 1 – Terry Southcott – 17lbs 8ozs
4th Peg 2 – Bill Ferris – 14lbs 15ozs – Silvers winner
Report on Sunday 19th August 2018 Match at the Clamp.
First thing that was obvious was the surface of the Clamp had a covering of green algae. My first worry was that it might not be fishable, but there was fish movement. When Steve Dawson arrived he confirmed that fish had been caught through it over the course of the week, it was very fine and the bait and shot line etc fell through it easily. Steve will treat it as soon as he can, he has a liquid treatment that will clear it with no adverse effect on the water or fish. Steve’s floating island addition was looking good and should become quite a feature once it matures.
At the draw there were 9 anglers, but Noel hadn’t turned up as was expected, Peg 7 had just been drawn for the golden peg by Bob Hole, with 9 pegs in the bag when Noel turned up. So a redraw was done with another peg in the bag, so Bob picked again and lo and behold out pops peg 7 again.
This was going to be another quick weigh in and because it was obvious that the weights were going to be low I decided to use the grams scale on the digital scales, this would make it easier to separate any close weights.
Final result:
1st Trevor Smith- Peg 12 – 2 Kilo’s 75gms – 4lbs 9ozs
2nd Noel Fletcher – Peg 11 – 1 Kilo 175gms – 2lbs 9ozs
3rd Bill Ferris – Peg 7 – 800gms – 1lb 4ozs
4th Tony Welsby – Peg 13 – 475gms – 1lb 1oz – Silvers by default
A Section winner by default – Bob Hole – Peg 5 – 225gms – 8ozs
B Section winner by default – Steve Dawson- Peg 16 – 375gms – 13ozs
Report on the Inter club match between Alcove AC and the RBL Kingswood, fished at Whitehouse Farm on Sunday 6th August.
The weather was set to be good, light winds and warm again, there were 16 anglers at the draw which made it 8 aside, a bit more balanced than in recent encounters.
At the weigh in there were some good nets of fish from those of us facing the island from peg 6 to peg 9, just over 110lbs between four of us, and another 4 nets over 20lbs around the two lakes. Total weight for the 16 anglers was 258lbs 6ozs an average of about 16lbs per man. There some decent weights on Georges Lake as well but tales of the ones that got away in the lily pads as usual.
Final result
RBL 135lbs 10ozs with Alcove AC 13lbs behind with 122lbs 12ozs. Individual honours went to:
1st Bill Knight – Peg M9 – 30lbs 7ozs Including carp of 20lb 11oz.
2nd Paul Pitt – Peg M8 – 29lbs 11ozs
3rd Clive Hewson – Peg G5 – 29lbs 6ozs
Silvers Winner – Don Searle – Peg M7 – 22lbs
Margarets Lake – Tony Welsby – Peg M6 – 28lbs 14ozs
Georges Lake – Steve Dawson – Peg G3 – 21lbs 2ozs
Report on the Ian Chapple Memorial Open fished on Sunday 29th July 2018 at Whitehouse Farm.
Weather Forecast was for 40mph winds and possible thunderstorm later in the day. There 28 people booked in for the match but, due to the weather forecast and a few other very good reasons for not being available, we only had 19 anglers taking part. 10 pegs were put in on each lake. As for the weather the storms etc never turned up it was breezy on occasion but not too much rain, only a few light showers.
The weigh-in started with Mike Teakle on G16, who had about 3lbs, the first notable weight was Andy Brookman on G13 who weighed in well over 40lbs of mostly carp, having probably lost almost as much as he had caught.
Bill Ferris on G5 had a reasonable net going almost 14lbs and on G1 John Thompson had a good net of fish going just short of 20lbs. Margaret’s lake had fished far better as was expected and 6 weights out of the 9 were higher than second on Georges. Don Searle on peg M14 had nearly 34lbs of carp from mainly his left hand margin. Steve Dawson on M12 had just short of 20lbs of silvers, Paul Pitt a good mixed net going 35lbs exactly and Bob Hole on M6 had a silvers net of just short of 25lbs mainly Chub, he had run out of maggot, using 3 pints, and would have done even better if he’d had more.
1st Andy Brookman G13, 45lbs 7ozs
2nd Don Searle M14, 40lbs 13ozs
3rd Paul Pitt M9, 35lbs
Silvers – Bob Hole M6, 24lbs 14ozs
Margaret’s lake (By Default) – Steve Dawson M12, 24lbs 7ozs
Georges Lake (By Default) – John Thompson G1, 19lbs 13ozs
Totting everything up at the end of the match and after completing the raffle we had raised £190.00 from the match entry fee’s and a further £47.00 from the raffle, giving us a grand total of £237.00 to give to a cancer charity. We had prizes kindly donated by Scott Tackle, Veals, Bristol Angling Centre and Fish & Field.
Result of Charlie Coggins Memorial Match fished at the Lido on 24th June.
At the draw we had 10 anglers. Weather forecast – Very sunny with a slight breeze. At the weigh in I started at peg 12, Trev didn’t weigh on the island swim and Martin Alexander (golden peg) in the corner peg 11 had a few silvers and a tench., Steve on peg 10 had a really good net of silvers as usual with several tench in his 16lb net of fish. I weighed in next with just over 8lb, Bill on the pump-house had a little over 6lb and the pegs on the straight didn’t do to well. Bob Hole on peg 2 had a good net of fish going just over 9lb and Paul Pitt had a great net of fish on peg 1 containing several tench, weighing in close to 18lbs.
Final Result:
1st Paul Pitt peg 1 – 17lb 8ozs
2nd Steve Dawson peg 10 – 16lbs 1oz
3rd Bob Hole peg 2 – 9lbs 6ozs
Silvers Tony Welsby peg 9 – 8lbs 5ozs
Section A Bob Price peg 5 -3lbs
Section B Bill Ferris peg 7 -6lbs 3ozs
Report on Sunday’s match 10th June on Margarets lake. The Presidents Shield.
Attended by 15 anglers. This meant that the pegging was spread right around the lake, leaving out a few corner pegs and a couple down the straight alongside the access road.
At the weigh in not many carp had been caught, but a few very nice nets of silvers. Steve Dawson having an extremely fine net of about 36lb of chub, bream etc. Steve Brown and Bill Ferris also having good mixed nets.
Final result:
1st Steve Dawson peg 7 – 47lbs 5ozs
2nd Steve Brown peg 15 – 14lbs 14ozs
3rd Bill Ferris peg 18 – 14lbs 6ozs
Silvers Bob Hole peg 8 – 7lbs 7ozs
Section A Andy Brookman peg 5 – 10lbs 4ozs
Section B Bob Price peg 20 – 10lb
Report on the match at the Lido last Sunday 8th April 2018.
Water level was way up on usual levels.  There were only 3 of us.
Anyway the weather was good, next to no wind and only a few very light showers. No signs of any quality fish from anyone. No tench or carp caught, although I think we were just enjoying the roach and skimmer fishing.
1st Steve Brown peg 9 – 6lbs 14ozs
2nd Terry Southcott peg 11 – 5lbs 12ozs
3rd Tony Welsby peg 1 – 5lbs
Result of Rover#2 held 11th March 2018 at The Clamp.
7 anglers turned up. Steve Dawson had first choice then Bob Price, then Tony Welsby, Martin Alexander, Trevor Smith, Bill Ferris and finally Terry Southcott. Tony chose peg 6 which turned out to be the golden peg with £90 in the kitty.
1st Steve Dawson – peg 15 – 725gms
2nd Martin Alexander – peg 12 – 550gms
3rd Tony Welsby – peg 6 – 475gms
4th Terry Southcott – peg 16 – 275gms
5th Bill Ferris – peg 9 – 75gms
6th Trev Smith – peg 5 – 25gms
7th Bob Price – peg 8 – DNW
Result of the 1st Rover Match held on the Whitehouse Farm lakes on Sunday 25th Feb 2018
6 anglers on a day when the forecast was for a very cold wind. Bill Knight drew No 1 and chose peg 13, Martin Alexander drew No 2 and chose peg 14, Steve Dawson drew No 3 (Golden Peg) and chose peg 12, Paul Pitt drew no 4 and chose peg 8, Tony Welsby drew No 5 and chose peg 17 and finally Steve Brown drew No 6 and chose peg No 11.
As for the weather it wasn’t too bad there was a light breeze that was cold, but the sunshine was good enough to provide a warming effect.
Final result:
1st Paul Pitt peg 8, 19lbs 4ozs including that 15lb 1 oz carp.
2nd Bill Knight peg 13, 12lbs 12ozs, a nice mixed bag.
3rd Tony Welsby peg 17, 9lbs 2ozs, all chub.
The other three anglers didn’t catch.
Final round of the Alcove Winter league 4th February 2108 , fished on Margaret’s lake.
We had 12 anglers for the match with 7 of the anglers in the league and 5 other anglers making up the numbers. Pegs 5 around to 17, peg 8 coming out as the golden peg.
To say it was hard would be an understatement, it appeared nobody was catching the chub at all. At the weigh in, because it was going to be close I decided to take the weights in grams and also lbs because the readings in grams were going to be more accurate especially for those very low weights. 1 fish, an F1, weighing in at 1lb (450g), Steve Brown on peg 12 had 2lbs 12ozs of roach and skimmers (1,250g).
Noel on peg 11 had 14ozs (400g), Tony Welsby had 1lb 7ozs (650g), Bill Knight on peg 9 had a reasonable net of fish which included 2 very nice skimmers, his total weight was 3lbs 12ozs (1,700g), Martin on the golden peg had 5ozs (150g), Steve Dawson had struggled catching a chub on his first cast and then only adding a few small roach for 1lb 5ozs (600g), Paul Pitt on peg 6 had 9ozs (250g) and finally Rich Payne on the peg that I would have pulled out if we had 1 less angler had caught on his final cast a carp of 4lbs 10ozs to win the match.
Result of the match:
1st Rich Payne peg 5 – 4lbs 10ozs
2nd Bill Knight peg 8 – 3lbs 12ozs
3rd Steve Brown peg 12 – 2lbs 12ozs
Silvers – Tony Welsby peg 10 – 1lb 7ozs
Section A – Steve Dawson peg 7 – 1lb 5ozs
Section B – John Treasure peg 13 – 1lb
Winter League Match result:
1st Tony Welsby – 1lb 7ozs – 25pts
2nd Steve Dawson – 1lb 5ozs – 24pts
3rd John Treasure – 1lb – 23pts
4th Paul Pitt – 9ozs – 22pts
5th Martin Alexander – 5ozs – 21pts
6th Terry Southcott – 4ozs – 20pts
6th Bob Price – 4ozs – 20pts
8th Barry Summers – DNW – 18pts
Final League positions, showing match placings:
1st Steve Dawson 2, 1, 2, 2, 2 – Total weight 27lbs 8ozs 97pts
2nd John Treasure 1, 4, 1, 3, 3 –  27lbs 4ozs 96pts
3rd Tony Welsby 4, 3, 0, 1, 1  – 21lbs 6ozs 95pts
Match #4 January 21st at Whitehouse Farm on Georges Lake
8 fished. Due to the weather forecast of high gusts of winds and continuous rain all of the available pegs on the high number bank were used plus one on the dam wall peg 18.
At the weigh in the results were:
1st Tony Welsby peg 18 – 4lbs 15ozs (WL 1st = 25pts)
2nd Steve Dawson peg 16 – 4lbs 9ozs (WL 2nd = 24pts)
3rd John Treasure peg 11 – 2lbs 13ozs (WL 3rd = 23pts)
4th Paul Pitt peg 14 – 1lb 12ozs (WL 4th = 22pts)
Jt 5th Terry Southcott peg 13 – 1lb 3ozs (WL 5th = 21pts)
Jt 5th Rich Payne peg 12 – 1lb 3ozs
7th Steve Brown peg 15 – 15ozs
8th Noel Fletcher peg 17 – 4ozs
League Match#3 January 7th at The Clamp – 8 anglers fished.
The match was pegged evenly 4 pegs on each side of the lake to try and make it as comfortable as possible. The lake looked to be in good condition, plenty of water and it was fairly mild, so we thought that a few fish would be caught. That was to be completely wrong, only 4 of the 8 anglers caught and then it was only a few fish.
Overall Result:
1st John treasure peg 8 – 8ozs (WL 1st = 25pts)
2nd Steve Dawson peg 12 – 4ozs (WL 2nd = 24pts)
Jt 3rd Martin Alexander peg 7 – 1oz (WL 3rd = 23pts)
Jt 3rd Rich Payne peg 15 – 1oz
The other 4 anglers did not weigh in. (WL 4th = 22pts)
League Match#2 December 17th at Whitehouse Farm on Georges Lake – 12 anglers fished.
It was a breaking the ice day. The match was split into 2 sections either side of the lake, the low numbers facing into a cold wind and battling with floating ice for most of the match. The high numbers with the wind of their backs produced the weights and the first 5 places came from these 6 pegs. John Treasure doing the best in the low numbers, considering the conditions 1lb 14ozs was a commendable weight.
Overall Result:
1st Steve Dawson peg 15 – 6lbs 12ozs (WL 1st = 25pts)
2nd Steve Brown peg 12 – 3lbs 8ozs
3rd Barry Summers peg 16 – 3lbs (WL 2nd = 24pts)
4th Steve Tanner peg 13 – 2lbs 15ozs (Silvers)
5th Tony Welsby peg 17 – 1lb 15ozs (WL 3rd = 23pts)
6th John Treasure peg 3 – 1lb 14ozs (WL 4th = 22pts)
7th Terry Southcott peg 14 – 1lb 8ozs (WL 5th = 21pts)
8th Rich Payne peg 1 – 11ozs
The other 4 anglers did not weigh in. (WL 6th = 20pts)
Report on Winter League match #1 on Margaret’s Lake 19th November 2017. 
We had 10 anglers turn up for the initial winter league match. As the match started it became obvious that it would be a slow start as the water temperature had dropped overnight even further than it had been. There were only a few carp caught and they were in the 3 to 4 lb size bracket.
At the weigh in the the best weights were:
1st John Treasure Peg 14 21lbs 9ozs (chub)
2nd Steve Dawson Peg 9 18lbs 7ozs
3rd Martin Alexander Peg 17 14lbs 8ozs
Silvers Tony Welsby Peg 11 13lbs 1oz
Section A Pete Watkins Peg 6 12lbs 13ozs
Section B Terry Southcott Peg 12 8lbs 1oz
Report on Christmas Match 3rd December 2017
We had a good turnout of 18 anglers for the match to be fished across both Whitehouse Farm lakes. It was a bit chilly overnight but not too bad on the day.
At the draw, the fancied pegs were basically the 6 pegs on Margaret’s, with Bill Knight drawing peg 17, which was also the “Golden Peg”. During the match Bill weighed in a double figure carp of 12lbs 11ozs and a 1lb 8oz roach.  First to weigh was Noel Fletcher who had 4lbs 8ozs (4 chub), Steve Dawson on 9 had 9lbs of mixed silvers, on 13 Martin Alexander had 7lbs, haIf of which was a small carp, Tony Welsby 1lbs 13ozs of silvers on 14. Moving over to Georges Lake starting at Peg 1, most had caught low weights of silvers, best in the first section was Barry Summers on 2 with 4lbs 14ozs and in the second section Steve Brown had 3lb 4oz on 15, John Treasure on 14 had a cracking Golden Orfe of over 2lbs.
Final Positions:
1st Bill Knight – M17 – 14lbs 5ozs (Golden Peg – £100.00)
2nd Steve Dawson – M9 – 9lbs
3rd Martin Alexander – M13 – 7lbs
4th Barry Summers – G2 – 4lbs 14ozs (Silvers)
5th Noel Fletcher – M8 – 4lbs 8ozs (Section C)
6th Steve Brown – G15 – 3lbs 4ozs (Section B)
7th John Treasure G14 – 2lbs 10ozs
8th Bill Croom  – 2lbs 1oz (Section A)
Poppy Day Match result all Whitehouse 5th November 2017.
We had a really good turn out of 21 anglers. Margaret’s fished well as usual and Georges was hard work even for the silvers.  Total raised for the Poppy Appeal was £110.00.
Top weights:
1st Norman Ferris peg M8 28lbs 3ozs
2nd Bill Knight peg M7 16lbs 10ozs
3rd John Treasure M6 12lbs 14ozs
Silvers Steve Dawson G12 8lbs 14ozs
Sections – A:  Bob Hole M14 8lbs 3ozs. B: Barry Summers G6 5lbs 6ozs. C: Tony Welsby G17 5lbs
Result of inter club match with the Silver Bream AC 15th October 2017
We had a good turnout 19 anglers. 8 anglers on Margarets and 11 on Georges.
At the weigh in 3 carp had been caught over 14lbs the biggest going 16lbs 6ozs from peg 17 on Margarets. Best net of carp only was caught by Bob Price on peg 12 Georges with 35lbs 8ozs, closely followed by Paul Barnett with 34lbs 1oz. There was a noticeable shortage of chub caught on Margarets only Paul on 17 getting a few. Paul Pitt on Georges had a Golden Orfe which must gave been close to 3lb.
Top weights were as follows:
1st Paul Barnett peg M17 42lbs 8ozs
2nd Bob Price peg G12 37lbs 10ozs
3rd Julie Taylor peg M9 27lbs 11ozs
4th Rod Gabb peg G6 24lbs 12ozs
5th Tony Welsby peg G4 21lbs 6ozs
Best Silvers Steve Dawson peg G16 12lbs 5ozs.
Result for the Ken Davies Memorial match fished at The Lido on Sunday 1st of October 2017.
At the weigh in Terry on the island weighed 4lbs 1oz of silvers and a 4lb 7oz Pike for 8lbs 8ozs; in the tree swim Alex had 2lbs 3ozs of small silvers. Steve Dawson was next in Smithies with 9lbs 14ozs of silvers with quite a few decent skimmers in the mix. Next was Bob /Price on the pontoon swim, he had 9lbs 8ozs which included some quality fish, Trev had 1lb 4ozs on the pumphouse and Tony weighed in 6lbs 10ozs of roach.
The days fishing was generally pretty good and the “weather” never turned up apart from one very light shower.
Final Scores:
1st Steve Dawson – Smithies – 9lbs 14ozs
2nd Bob Price – Pontoon – 9lbs 8ozs
3rd Terry Southcott – Island – 8lbs 8ozs
4th Tony Welsby – Suicide Straight (8) – 6lbs 10ozs
5th Alex Smith – Tree Swim – 2lbs 3ozs
6th Trev Smith – Pumphouse – 1lb 4ozs
Report on Sunday’s Match Alcove AC v Kingswood RBL.
We had a good turnout of 18 anglers for this interclub match to be fished across both Whitehouse farm lakes. To make it an even contest I allocated 9 pegs to each lake and alternated the pegs between Alcove and RBL anglers. During the match Bill Knight had to weigh in two double figure carp one at 13lbs 11ozs and a corker of 18lbs 2ozs. Martin Alexander also weighed in a double of 12lbs 13ozs.
At the weigh in I started on Margaret’s at peg 5 with Ian Brice, who had a mixed bag of carp and silvers for 12lbs 9ozs, this was pretty much the story for everyone on Margaret’s lake nearly everyone getting carp and silvers. Paul Pitt on peg 7 got the chub feeding and went through 3 pints of maggot to get nearly 20lbs of them his total weight was 33lbs 8ozs including 13lbs 11ozs of carp. Further round at peg 12 Martin Alexander weighed in 39lbs 15ozs made up mainly of 34lbs 1oz of several carp, Bill Knight on peg 13 had a cracking net of carp weighing a total of 48lbs 5ozs with a backing weight of silvers of 4lbs 7ozs.
Bob Price next door had 37lbs of carp. Georges lake was completely different, I started the weigh in at peg 6 with Bob Hole who weighed 8lbs 3ozs all silvers, everyone on Georges had just Silvers apart from a solitary carp of 5lbs for Steve Dawson. My net of silvers went 13lbs and Steve’s net of silvers went to 18lbs 10ozs with some quality skimmers in his net (expanders doing the trick).
RBL won with 140lbs 13ozs and Alcove came second with 135lbs 8ozs.
1st Bill Knight. Carp 48lb 05oz, Silvers 4lb 07oz, Total 52lb 12oz. Peg 13 Margarets
2nd Martin Alexander. 34lb 01oz, 5lb 14oz, 39lb 15oz. Peg 12 Margarets
3rd Bob Price.  37lb, 1lb 03oz, 38lb 03oz. Peg 14 Margarets
Silvers. Paul Pitt. 13lb 11oz, 19lb 13oz, 33lb 08oz. Peg 7 Margarets
Georges. Steve Dawson. 5lb, 18lb 10oz, 23lb 10oz. Peg 15
Margarets. Ian Brice. 3lb 04oz, 9lb 05oz, 12lb 09oz. Peg 5.

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