Match Results

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This page will be updated as soon as possible following match reports, which are provided by the match secretary. Further information and full reports will be posted on our Facebook page. Any questions or comments should be directed to the Match Secretary, Jason Pitman.
Match results for Sunday 30th June – Margaret’s Lake, Whitehouse Farm
We had 12 booked in for this one. There were some good fish lost as always for a lot of people, and some great section wins as well. The lake at the moment is fishing really well and not just for the carp but silver fishing too.
Ist peg 17 – Mike Nichols 35-15-0
2nd peg 8 – Tony Welsby 35-05-0
3rd peg 10 – Jason Pitman 34-09-0
Top silvers peg 6 – Bill Ferris 15-02-0
Section 1 peg 9 – Bruce Taylor 26-14-0
Section 2 peg 12 – Jon Amato 24-02-0
Match results for 23rd June. Charlie Coggins Memorial Match on the Lido
12 anglers fished this event.
First on the day was Andy Pritchard with a total of 27lb, including an 18lb carp and 9lb of silvers.
Second was Tony Welsby with 7lb of silvers.
Third was Kev Murch with 5lb 8oz.
The top silvers prize went to Andy Gard, who weighed in 6lb 2oz.
The two section winners were Julie Taylor with 3lb 15oz and Anthony Hole with 1lb 3oz.
Several good-size were fish lost in the lilies by myself and Kev Murch.
Match results for June 9th match held on Margaret’s Lake, Whitehouse Farm
We had 13 booked in for this one.
Jason Pitman fished maggot feeder against the island to pick up 25lb 3oz of chub and three carp, the biggest was 17-10-0
First with 59lb 15oz was Jason Pitman
Second, Andy Gard with 50lb 1oz
Third, Pete Watkins 41lb 6 oz
Top silvers:
Kev Murch 24lb 15oz
Section winners:
Ian Brice 16lb 13oz
Bill Knight 29lb 3oz
Match results for the Taylor Shield match held on Margarets Lake – 26th May
The weather was overcast with a few light rain showers. 12 fished.
1st peg 12. John Dursley – 57-14-0 
2nd peg 7. Kev Murch – 48-2-0
3rd peg 10. Julie Taylor – 23-4-0
Top silvers peg 20. Steve Brown – 14-15-0
Section 1. Peg 4. Tony Welsby – 12-9-0
Section 2. Peg 15. Bill Knight – 22-3-0 
Match results for the Pete Polly Memorial match – Georges Lake, 12th May
Conditions were not the best up the top end of the lake due to the amount of pollen on the water. Congratulations to John Dursley putting in an excellent performance with 1 carp for 15-3-0 and 28lb of skimmers roach and f1s.
1st peg 3. John Dursley – 43-15-0
2nd peg 6. Kev Murch – 36-10-0
3rd peg 18. Andy Gard – 22-09-0
Section 1: peg 7. Jason Pitman – 16-03-0
Section 2: peg 12. Tony Welsby – 17-09-0
Report on the club’s only Saturday match of the year at Whitehouse Farm on Margaret’s Lake – 20th April
We had 10 booked in for my last match as the Alcove club match Secretary. After a frost the night before it was difficult to know how it was gonna fish. It’s got to the point that it’s difficult to know which are the hot pegs as it seems to vary so much. Peg 6 has done well recently but also poorly, any island chuck would be preferred as that gives the possibility of chub and carp. Pete Watkins drew peg 6 for the third time so he knew what to expect, I drew peg 13 alongside Jason on peg 14, both of us having a chuck to the end of the island.
Pete had been catching regularly and John Treasure has come round with a huge common for weighing mid match, it went 19lb 13ozs. Everyone else seemed to struggle a bit. I’ve had a carp just before the whistle on my skimmer line and managed to land it 10 minutes after, not a big one but a welcome addition.
1st peg 6 – Pete Watkins – 55lbs 8ozs
2nd peg 17 – John Treasure – 33lbs 5ozs (inc. 19lbs 13oz common)
3rd peg 14 – Jason Pitman – 17lbs (inc. 1lb 12oz Roach)
Silvers – peg 13 – Tony Welsby – 17lbs 12ozs
Report on Jack Davies Memorial match fished at the Lido – 14th April
11 anglers fished the match. Usual hot pegs that everyone would have liked to have drawn were 5 (pontoon), 6 and 7 (smithies and tree swims) or 9 and 10 (island swims). At the Draw Andy Gard drew the hot favourite peg 5. I drew peg 21 the concrete slab on Suicide straight and the furthest walk. New draw time for the summer was 08:00 and surprisingly all 11 were in the car park and ready to go. Everyone was hoping that the Tench would be obliging.
At the weigh in I started at the Pump House where Andy Pritchard was fishing, he had 4lb 2ozs, which included a big tench. Andy Gard on the Pontoon swim weighed in a great 29lb 11ozs, he had a dark common carp halfway through weighing in at 16lb 7ozs along with a few big Tench going 12lbs or so. After that the weights dropped. Julie had 9lbs 4ozs with 3 or 4 Tench. Daryl Scudamore and John Dursley on pegs 13 and 16 had a big dark Bream each for 5lb 10ozs and 7lb 12ozs respectively.
Thanks to everyone for taking part in what was a pleasant days fishing with some very nice fish caught, but still had 4 DNWs, they did catch but decided not to weigh due to other better weights around.
1st peg 5 – Andy Gard – 29lbs 11ozs
2nd peg 7 – Julie Taylor – 9lbs 4ozs (Silvers)
3rd peg 16 – John Dursley – 7lb 12ozs (2nd)
4th peg 13 – Daryl Scudamore – 5lb 10ozs (3rd)
Report on the Rover held at Whitehouse farm today 24th March.
19 booked in for this one, which for a rover is quite a big turnout. Ideally 9 on one lake and 10 on the other lake would have made my job easier, but we ended up with 12 on Margaret’s and 7 on Georges. I therefore decided to split the match into 3 sections instead of two lake sections, which meant changing the pay out substantially. Pools was therefore for 1st, 2nd and 3rd, with two silvers and 3 section pay outs.
At the weigh in I did Georges lake and Jason weighed in Margaret’s. On Georges, Glynn on peg 1 had several F1’s and a big skimmer for just over 12lb. Kev next to me had a little over 18lb of mostly F1’s with a big skimmer. I weighed in just short of 20lbs which I was well pleased with, Graham and Norman both weighed in 10lbs and Mike Nicholls on peg 10 weighed in a brilliant 32lb odd of chub and other bits. Most had struggled on Margaret’s apart from Jason and Julie who had managed to catch some of the carp, they were the only ones with double figure weights. Julie had 21lb and Jason had just over 28lb.
It was surprising how different the two lakes fished, everyone on Georges apart from Steve Brown had double figures and only Jason ad Julie managed double figures on Margaret’s. Loads of F1s and big skimmers were caught on Georges and of course a great net of chub by Mike from peg 10. It was very unusual for Margaret’s to fish so poorly.
1st peg G10 – Mike Nicholls – 32lb 7ozs
2nd peg M10 – Jason Pitman – 28lbs 5ozs
3rd peg M13 – Julie Taylor – 21lb
Silvers 1st peg G18 – Tony Welsby – 19lbs 12ozs
Silvers 2nd peg G19 – Kev Swanston – 18lbs 8ozs
Section A – peg G1 – Glynn Sage – 12lbs 4ozs
Section B – peg M7 – Steve Dawson – 7lb 6ozs
Section C – peg M18 – Kevin Murch – 8lbs 14ozs
Report on the rover match held on The Clamp – March 3rd
At one point I had 8 anglers booked in out of a possible 14, by the time the draw came round I had 4. Myself, Steve Dawson, Bill Knight and Kevin Murch.
My fancied 4 pegs in order were 6, 5, 11, 12. At the draw I pulled out 1 which gave me first choice, needless to say I headed straight for peg 6. Bill picked 12, Steve peg 10 and Kev peg 11.
1st Tony Welsby – 9lb 11ozs
2nd Bill Knight – 3lb 2oz
3rd Steve Dawson – 2lb 5oz
Report on the final round of the winter league, fished on Margaret’s Lake at Whitehouse Farm –  February 25th
I had 11 anglers booked in to fish, due to a few late cancellations, so I put in pegs 6 around to 17 leaving out peg 11. The forecast wasn’t great, rain was expected from mid-day and to last for the rest of the day, and I wasn’t expecting much in the way of wind.
The league was very close at the top with only 3 pts separating the top 4. With 6 matches making up the league, final pts are calculated with the worst result being dropped. This put Steve Dawson in front with 11pts, myself and Kevin Murch in second place with 12pts and Pete Watkins in 4th with 13pts. So it was going to be a tight one.
At the weigh-in I was first to weigh and had 7lb 11ozs, Steve Dawson on peg 9 had 10lbs 5ozs, Pete Watkins on peg 13 had 13lbs 8ozs and Mike Nicholls on 17 had 10lbs 3ozs. Kev Murch had been on peg 16 and had struggled for just over a pound of fish.
Final match result:
1st peg 13 – Pete Watkins – 13lbs 8ozs
Silvers – peg 9 – Steve Dawson – 10lbs 5ozs
2nd peg 17 – Mike Nicholls – 10lbs 3ozs
3rd peg 6 – Tony Welsby – 7lbs 11ozs
Final Winter league positions:
1st Steve Dawson – 13pts – 36lbs 3ozs
2nd Pete Watkins – 14pts – 101lbs 10ozs
3rd Tony Welsby – 15pts – 51lbs 1oz
Report on round 5 of the Winter League held on Georges Lake at Whitehouse Farm – 4th February
With 12 fishing I was able to leave out some of the more difficult swims. The ground is still quite boggy behind the low numbers on Georges, although I did put 6 in as it looked so inviting. Most of the pegs that I put in today would have a good chance depending on the conditions, with the expected strong winds the low numbers would be hard, 18 and 19 on the dam wall weren’t quite in the brunt of the wind and pegs 10 to 16 are sheltered from the wind.
At the weigh in I had 10lbs 7ozs, Jason and Glynn were close but not close enough, both ending up with 7lbs 12ozs. On peg 6 Steve Dawson had a total of 8lbs 6ozs. John Treasure on his return was back into the chub again, catching three along with a bream ending up with the same weight as me so we shared first place. Andy Brookman on peg 4 has lost a big carp having had it on for 20 minutes but his size 18 hook has straightened on him.
After dropping the worst score, there are now 2pts separating the top 4.1st- Steve Dawson in top spot with 11pts,2nd- Me and Kevin Murch on 12pts4th- Pete Watkins, on 13pts.
Final Result:Jt 1st– peg 10 – John Treasure – 10lbs 7ozs (3chub & 1 Bream)Jt 1st– peg 18 – Tony Welsby – 10lb 7ozs (mixed net)3rd– peg 6 – Steve Dawson – 8lb 6ozs (mixed net)Jt 4th– peg 19 – Glynn Sage – 7lb 12ozs (Big Goldfish and Skimmers)Jt 4th– peg 15 – Jason Pitman – 7lb 12ozs (mixed net)
Report on round 4 of the Winter League held on the Lido – 21st January
As most of you are probably aware the Lido tends to be really tough in the winter, a big chunk of the lake still had a lid of ice on it, which would make it even tougher. We had 10 anglers taking part so were able to leave out the bank where most of the ice was, thankfully that was along Cyanide Straight. As usual, the water was crystal clear and very calm for most of the match. The wind and rain held off until after I had done the weigh-in.
Those that caught were unsurprisingly from peg 2 around to peg 11 they only had a few very small roach apart from Steve Dawson who found a pocket of fish under the bridge to his right on peg 10 ending up with 3lb 1oz. Steve fished a single pinkie in clouded very fine bread groundbait. This was his second league match win on the trot. Julie Taylor was second with 8ozs and 2 anglers tied for 3rd place with 6ozs – John Dursley and Bill Knight.
It’s now very close with 7pts separating the top 5 places and only 4pts separating those same anglers with the worst result removed.[Kevin Murch]- 12pts (7pts)[Pete Watkins]- 13pts (8pts)Steve Dawson – 15pts (9pts)[Tony Welsby] – 16pts (11pts)[Julie Taylor] – 19pts (11pts)
Match Result:1st– peg 10 (Island) – Steve Dawson – 3lb 1oz (about 100 very small roach) [1 pt]2nd– peg 7 (Tree swim) – Julie Taylor – 8ozs [2pts]Jt 3rd– peg 2 (Pump House) – John Dursley – 6ozs [not in the league]Jt 3rd– peg 5 (Pontoon) – Bill Knight – 6ozs [3pts]5th– peg 11 – Bruce Taylor – 5ozs [4pts]6th- everybody else, who didn’t weigh in [5pts]
Report on round 3 of the Winter League held at the Clamp – 14th January
14 anglers were booked in, 9 of whom were in the winter league and 5 more making up the numbers. The weather was a tad on the cold side but at least there hadn’t been a frost, we had a very brief light shower early on but that was it, it stayed clear for the rest of the day with the lake pretty much flat calm. As is usual for the clamp during matches pegs 5 around to peg 13 are usually the better pegs; with pegs 10 to 15 warming up the quickest with the sun on them and Peg 6 is usually the most fancied peg.
At the weigh-in there were some that really struggled down at the car park end, as usual, these pegs are a nightmare when we have a match. However there were some reasonable weights and John Dursley on peg 5 won the match with 5lbs 14ozs, the second best weight was Steve Dawson with 4lbs 5ozs and the third best weight went to Jason Pitman with 3lb 11ozs.
Final result:1st peg 5 – John Dursley – 5lbs 14ozs2nd peg 13 – Steve Dawson – 4lbs 5ozs (WL – 1pt)3rd peg 7 – Kev Murch – 3lbs 9ozs (WL – 3pts)Silvers – peg 11 – Jason Pitman – 3lbs 11ozs (WL -2pts)Section 1 – peg 4 – Pete Watkins – 3lbs 6ozs (WL -4pts)Section 2 – peg 12 – Julie Taylor – 1lb 8ozs (WL – 6pts)
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